9-J-20 Great crested newt

04AD1143 American white pelican

6MD00347 Owlfly

5MD00049 Blue emperor dragonfly
Below is a list of 'wildlife' galleries. Click on any to head straight to that gallery where you will find a larger selection of photographs of that group. I will soon be building more wildlife gallery pages.
Needless to say, there are some subjects I like to photograph more than others and therefore I have many more pictures of those subjects (e.g. Birds) . Molluscs and Arachnids for instance I have just a few pictures of these groups. The latter I find difficult to locate or identify sometimes, while the molluscs need a very fast shutter speed and I can never keep up with them !! I hope you enjoy browsing my wildlife galleries and I soon hope to add a general 'search' facility and lots more searchable images.

01ED0668 Burgundy drop bonnet

1MD00792 Brown hairstreak

2MD00008 Common garden snail

01HD0137 Golden specklebelly lichen

01BD0271 Mountain pansy