Locations as varied and widespread as my local patch, the New Forest National Park, the Algarve and Alentejo regions of Portugal, the Bay of Fundy on Canada's east coast and mountains in Scotland and Corsica are all included in this lavishly illustrated talk.
Needless to say, there is plenty of wildlife as well as stunning landscape images in this talk based on a single year (2017) of holidays, local outings and, to a lesser extent, tour leading. At each of the above locations I was carrying my cameras 'just in case' and images like the rock pillar (left) and the flock of Semi-palmated Sandpipers (right) were the result of images secured while tour clients were doing the same. As the wave washed rock may well hint, this is on the Bay of Fundy where there is the biggest tidal rise in the World!
I also visited the Kiskunsag National Park in Hungary twice on personal photographic trips in this year where I managed to obtain some fabulous bird and other wildlife photos. This is a well-illustrated and sometimes humorous talk. The pictures give just a hint of what is included in the overall talk and of the places visited.
If you would like to book this or any other of my talks, please telephone me or send me an email. Sending me an email can be done via my 'contact me' page.